Reader Mail
Notes from BJ’s readers, around the country… and around the globe.
“I was feeling a bit down and discouraged when a fellow missionary loaned them (Emerald Ballad) to me. They blessed and encouraged me, giving me a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm for my work.I just wanted to thank you and let you know that you have given to our ministry here in Cambodia more than you may have realized.”
“Never have I been so touched by a work of fiction. Your characters are so vividly drawn that I feel they are old and dear friends.”
“You encourage your readers to go beyond fiction, to learn the importance of history, and most importantly, to be led into a spiritual journey.”
“I found my heart and my spirit stirred to new faith, renewed certainty that God is more than able to overcome my self-perceived inadequacies, and joy in the God-given love between men and women.”
“As a 17 year old girl still trying to find out exactly God’s plan for my life … your books have influenced me and your example has made an impact on my life.”
“Until I read your American Anthem books, I thought success was everything. Now I know how wrong I was.”
“I like the way you have incorporated contemporary issues into your books, such as abortion, and religious and racial prejudice. It is somehow comforting to realize that these are not new issues at all, but are as old as the battle between good and evil itself.”
“Somehow after reading these two books …. I love God more … Thank you for letting me glimpse His character in the characters you create.”
“These books are not simply good stories, but a personal challenge of faith. They touch controversial topics … and make you take a good look inside your own heart.”
“Through your writing and their struggles, I felt as though I were praying without ceasing through the day. I learned a lot about relationships, commitment, and God’s love. I especially liked how you brought real-life issues into your work.”
“I’m going through a difficult period in my life … it gave me back my faith. I want to thank you for … the truth that comes straight out of your heart.”
“Made me realize that in the midst of evil, pain, and our own personal hell, God is with us, and light truly does come out of darkness.”
“Having pastored Christian churches for 40 years and limiting myself to nonfiction reading, I was delightfully surprised at the quality and spiritual impact a Christian novel could have.”
“I’ve been encouraged in my faith to see again how God keeps His hand on and shows His love to His people.”
“I was blessed with new insight on how to apply Christian principles to my own life. I learn something new with each chapter.”
“By the time I finished Book Two, I was feeling this was some of the finest Christian material I had ever read in my 50 years. I found new appreciation for my wife and the desire to treat her as if I had to convince her of my love each and every day!”
“The Emerald Ballad series has changed my life. I was drawn into the lives of each character, and God spoke into my heart. God has used your words in a powerful way.”
“Your books have really ministered to me and helped me in my prayer life and given me more of a hunger for God’s Word of Life.”
“I have benefited so much from your ministry…the Biblical principles and Scripture used in your books have reached to parts of me that were closed to sermons, dealing with pain books, and even well-meaning Christian friends.”