The Mountain Song Legacy series
A Distant Music (#1)
The story of a small town where coal dust soils more than the laundry on the clothesline and the paint on the company houses…where concern for a needy neighbor and a sick child have come to take a backseat to the struggle for survival…where things of beauty and grace are buried beneath the silent desperation that holds an entire community in its grip…where the one man who might make a difference hovers on the precipice between hope and despair…and where a one-room schoolhouse provides the setting for a miracle.
In the Kentucky mining community called Skingle Creek, two childhood friends give a gift that may restore the hope of their families and save the life of their beloved teacher. A Distant Music transcends time and place, age and circumstance, tragedy and struggle. It also marks the prelude to a very special love story. One you will never forget.
“How do I begin to describe a book that touched me in the deepest parts of my heart? I laughed. I cried. I despaired. I regained hope. A Distant Music inspires me to live life well no matter what my circumstances.”
“B. J. Hoff’s gift of bringing characters to life shines in A Distant Music…Once more B. J. proves that when it comes to the historical voice, she is the master.”
The Wind Harp (#2)
The story of Maggie MacAuley, home for a visit to the small coal town of her childhood, but with no intention of staying. Her life is at Hull House in Chicago now. There’s nothing to keep her in Skingle Creek.
Nothing, that is, but her father, seriously injured in a mining accident, yet determined to hold on to his job and keep his family from ruin. Nothing but her mother, desperate to stop her husband from destroying himself in the coal mine that nearly took his life once before. Nothing but her younger brother, torn between his father’s determination to keep him out of the mine and his own resolve to help his parents. Nothing but a sister who also returns home bringing with her a dark, potentially devastating secret. And nothing but the unexpected discovery that a man who was once the hero of Maggie’s childhood now seems destined to become something more.
In Maggie’s quest for independence, she finds her greatest strength in sacrifice. And in her struggle to heal her family, she finds her heart renewed by love.
“B.J. always does a great job of drawing her readers into the lives of her characters. I’m sure that there will be many who will be eagerly pleading to know what happens next I will be among them.”
“As always, BJ’s hallmark characterization is supplemented by her skilled depiction of both the light and dark sides of life, presented with a beautiful simplicity that made my heart sing along with the story. If you’re after a book that leaves you feeling good about life, or feeling hope about life regardless of circumstances, or just feeling refreshed after reading a wonderful story, don’t miss The Wind Harp.”
The Song Weaver (#3)
The unforgettable characters from A Distant Music and The Wind Harp reunite in this dramatic conclusion to The Mountain Song Legacy trilogy. When a shadow falls over the MacAuley family, newlyweds Jonathan and Maggie Stuart find their faith and newly discovered happiness tested in unforeseen ways. An abrupt summons to return from their honeymoon wrenches them from the joy of their early days of marriage and thrusts them into the midst of a family in anguish. Responsible for helping their loved ones heal, while maintaining and nurturing their own relationship and their love for each other, the young couple faces a challenge that will ultimately define their marriage and decide their future.
“If you have been a reader of The Mountain Song Legacy, don’t miss this grand finale. You may suffer a bit with the brave characters as they face hardship and pain, but you will end up wanting to lift your voice with the miners who rocked the hills with their songs of praise. B.J. has done it again!!”